Feb 28th- A few of my favorite things...~Repairing and restoring instead of replacing~Rigging a successful run~Reading a transparent book, making a rustic barn, and building a small residence
Feb 27th- A few of my favorite things...~Branches adding a layer of beauty to a stained glass window~Snow geese brushed with the soft colors of the setting sun~A stare-down with the sun at sunset
Feb 26th- A few of my favorite things...~The many shades of blues in just one sky~Sunlight highlighting a staircase unused for over 100 years~The sun making its journey north to due west
Feb 25th- A few of my favorite things...~The coolest birthday gift ever (even my girlies agree)...a record player!~Being able to hear music on a record player again~Sharing the musical memories of my childhood with my girlies
Feb 24th- A few of my favorite things...~Sunshine so bright the buildings seem to melt into a puddle~Windows that share light with the dark side of the street~Old architecture reinterpreted by the new
Feb 23rd- A few of my favorite things...~A picnic in February without coats at Beaver Lake~A walk in the the late winter woods...~Discovering late winter treasures
Feb 22nd- A few of my favorite things...~One sister in shorts discovering how to make handprints with the melting snow on a warm day~Two sisters trying to out-swing the other~Three sisters finding the joy in doing things together
Feb 21st- A few of my favorite things...~A bouquet that pops out at you (and won't fade away)~A card of sparkly appreciation from my little Incredibles~Hand-written notes written with love to make "My" day special
Feb 20th- A few of my favorite things...~Finding a horse etching on a truck~Finding humor in a somber business~Finding extra decorations catching the last light on a finial