Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My Favorite Things

June 30th- A few of my favorite things...
~Packing the bags for one excited girlie and her bunny Rumple
~Taking off on a new adventure in independence: summer camp!
~A girlie excited about bunk beds, swimming, and making new friends 

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My Favorite Things

June 29th- A few of my favorite things...
~Saying goodbye to the horses at camp until next year
~Stopping by the SRAC museum in Waverly, NY to explore the finds of amateur and professional archaeologists
~Building a mini-cairn next to someone's larger one at a Waverly Glen Falls

Friday, June 28, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My Favorite Things

June 28th- A few of my favorite things...
~A lake as blue as the sky
~Imagining where these tiny feet will go one day
~The surreal sight of an extra long train going extra slow due to a disabled train up ahead and having to switch tracks

Thursday, June 27, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My Favorite Things

June 27th- A few of my favorite things...
~Trip into the woods at Beaver Lake to see water lilies beginning to blossom on the lake
~To enjoy the shade of the trees and...
~To discover really huge fish in the bog with my girlie who loves nature 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My Favorite Things

June 26th- A few of my favorite things...
~The scent of linden trees in bloom filling the evening air
~The streetlight highlighting red roses filling the village garden
~Discovering that the yellow daylilies have chosen to bloom today

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My FavoriteThings

June 24th- A few of my favorite things...
~An afternoon picnic tea with my littlest
~A receipt collection that adds up to free ice cream
~An evening firefly walk as the sun sets and the fireflies begin to twinkle

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Habit of Thankfulness: A Few of My Favorite Things

June 23rd- A few of my favorite things...
~Signs that let you know that camp's nearby
~Three girlies settled in for a week's worth of fun
~The littlest girlie getting Mommy and Daddy to herself