Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Habit of Choosing to Soar: The Parable of the Hawk

The Parable of the Hawk

There once was a hawk who swooped down to his prey...

...only to miss...

Puzzled, he stared at his feet as if a mouse 
might take pity and jump into his talons.
Alas one did not.

Did he stay down wondering what went wrong?

Nope... he soared up from the ground...

...Back to his perch on the wired above the field below...

...And started back to work...

...looking for his next quarry...

...patiently waiting for the next chance.

Like this Hawk...

Don't get stuck sitting on the ground...
...wondering what went wrong when you try.

Choose to Soar!

Fly back in the knowledge you made an attempt.

 Position yourself to continue on!

And wait....

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