Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Passion Week: Palm Sunday Eve

Activity: With your parent's permission , spray just a small amount of perfume or air freshener in the air. Wait a moment. Can you smell it? Does it seem to get stronger as you wait? Does it seem to go away? Then leave the room for a few minutes, then come back in. Can you smell it, even faintly?

Our prayers of praise and thanks are like that perfume. On this night, the day before Jesus went into Jerusalem riding on a colt, He was at a dinner. Lazarus, whom Jesus had just raised from the dead, was one of the guest of honor. His grateful sister Martha used her talent of hospitality to show her thankfulness that evening to Jesus and served the guests. Mary, his other very grateful sister, also had a special way to thank Jesus planned. She took a jar of nard and anointed Jesus' head and feet as act of worship. The scent filled the fact the scent filled the week. It would have been so strong it would have been smelled on Him all throughout Holy Week...Palm Sunday, In the Temple, Before Pilate, on the Cross, and Wrapped in the Tomb!

Our praise is that way: People can tell it on us! There is just something different that just can't figure out: Our gratefulness and praise to our God who is more than worthy (and we can let them in on our secret 🙂 ).

Activity: Write a praise list. Start off with 10 items of praise. Add 10 more the next day, 10 more the only 10 day you'll have 100 things and in 100 days you have 1000! Take the 1000 Praise Challenge and see how that changes the "scent" of your week!

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