Monday, July 28, 2014

The Habit of Quiet Service

It's easy to serve when your name is in light, when the attention of everyone is on you...
esp. in an instant,  on-line world.
What would it look like if we all tended faithfully to our callings with quiet service.
The kind of service that does not receive recognition in the form of praises and raises.
What if...
Like the bees in this otherwise deserted garden, we continue to work faithfully, quietly...
knowing that our work does not need to be seen...
...and yet the garden's beauty itself is proof of what
we do... 
 day by day, hour by hour...
without much notice, except by the passing photographer.
What if quiet service could be freeing that would be....
especially knowing the One who 
always knows each little deed,
no matter how small--

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