Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Winslow's First Camping Adventure: Day 8

Winslow's day started off  gloomy, with a loud thunderstorm that seemed to threaten the day's activity...
...but a cup off hot chocolate with whip cream lifted his spirits.
After it stopped raining it was still cold and windy...so Winslow decided to watch the movie he borrow from the local library...even on vacation, Winslow thinks that libraries are the best deal in town :-)
He watched "Wall-E" with the girlies...he likes that Wall-E likes"Hello Dolly". 
The girlies didn't mind when Winslow sang along with Wall-E...because they were singing too....
After it was finished...he looked outside and the sun had come out... 
and it had warmed up enough to go to the beach!
Not necessarily warm enough to swim, but it was great to catch up on some reading...
...while the girlies played with new friends on the beach. 
Winslow was surprised to see that Winslow Castle still stood at the edge of the beach---even after the rain! 
Then After supper Winslow was on hand to supervise fishing on Abanakee Lake.
He was glad when Gwynnie finally caught something bigger than him.
(Well, much bigger than him if you don't count his hair ;-) )

Well the fish was too small to keep, so we said goodbye to the sunfish and tossed him back for another day.
Winslow thinks his day ended rather well after all!

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